My soul sent me a clear message while waiting at the airport.
Traveling can be stressful especially after/during a pandemic. Before the stress began, while waiting for the attendants to arrive, I was busy calming the nerves of another traveler. In the midst of all this I heard a message that could only have come from my soul. See the many ways my Soul brought me the signs to hear and feel this message.
I'm a nervous traveler. It never use to be that way. I use to love that rush you get when the airplane accelerates down the runway. I loved hearing that distinct sound from the engines that is somewhere between a whistle and whine. That instant feeling of the thrust forward from the velocity and speed of the plane. And finally I loved that moment when you think the plane can't handle the speed, likes it's about to fall apart and you feel that push & lift off the ground! Suddenly we are flying through the sky! It is the most wonderful sensation.
I loved it ALL!
Nowadays, after becoming a wife & mother and living overseas, I'm a lot more nervous about the whole thing. Scenarios flood my head with what if's. My anxiety begins to build the morning of travel all the way up to the time we are sitting and waiting for our group to be called for boarding. The whole thing is very anxiety inducing with the luggage, the gates, security, and being on time for it all. It's a LOT.
My recent trip to the US, I had 8 flights in total because I extended my trip to include a domestic flight to Washington DC metro area to see a few old friends from when I lived there. At each airport and before each flight, I said to myself, “everything is going to go our way and it will be smooth trips every time.”
I would just envision what I would like to have happen, feel it in my body and believe it would happen. Plus I took the extra measure of placing my hand on the plane as I entered through the doorway into the main cabin area. This is my way of giving a small blessing to the pilots, flight attendants and passengers so we all have a safe trip. These rituals make me feel calmer & safer. And I'm happy to say, each trip went really smoothly AND I came away with so many wonderful magical moments (more coming on that).
One day it was time for me to return to the Netherlands. I had a small connecting flight to get me to Chicago for my international flight to Amsterdam. When I arrived to check-in my bags, I noticed a man waiting at the Premier Class lane and no one at the counter. He looked anxious and frustrated.
I roll up with my bags and stepped in my line next to him. He immediately told me how he had been waiting and used the “doorbell”, he pointed to where it was, a few times to get assistance. He then said it was either broke or a fake because no one has come yet. I could feel his anxiety about this flight in my own body (this is my clairsentience at work). And I thought, maybe I can make him feel better. This wasn't a thought as much as it was like a natural sense and feeling I had. I listened to his story about how very important it was that he got on this plane because his wife’s father is very ill and they already have been trying to catch flights for the last few days. His wife was sitting a good distance away with an expression on her face that showed she had enough of her husband's frustration. I gave her a knowing nod. She smiled and gave a wave in return.
He made a remark how it didn't look good that no one is here to check us in. Again I could feel his anxiety flaring up in my body as he said this. In response I suggested, “Do you think if another person (meaning me) gives the doorbell a try it will work?” I didn't think it would and neither did he but I could see that he relaxed a bit because now he wasn’t alone in this struggle or perhaps his anxiety.
Later, more people arrived filing in behind me. The man in the Premier class line realized he was in the wrong spot, and I said, “Don’t worry about it. I know you were here first.” We really bonded over this lack of staff thing as we would notice from time to time someone peaking around the corner of the wall that is behind the counters. I could see the more I gave him attention like this the calmer he seemed to be.
An older gentleman who was standing behind me, started to use his baggage as a seat as he was getting tired. I offered, “Here why don’t you sit down.” And I turned around and found the wheelchairs right next to me. It was funny how that came together. I offered before I found the chair. It was as if I already knew about it. That was my Clair cognizance (clear knowing – higher wisdom) & my hyper awareness of the environment (a highly sensitive characteristic) working together! He was so grateful and so was his daughter. As he was settling into the chair, I heard a message via my clairaudience (clear hearing),
“You are a healer and everywhere you go you heal people.”
Then I felt the fuller meaning of it and I smiled as I realized how all the different ways for different people I was doing that in the span of 40 minutes of waiting. I also realized how I felt invigorated, useful and purposeful that whole time. And what’s more, I was not anxious about my flight or why the staff had still not shown up to check us in. I was needed and I was there for a purpose. What's more, I knew everything was going “smoothly” just as I was affirming to myself for that trip that day.
As luck would have it, I didn’t fly that day. That story is also important, and I will continue it in the next email. Today, I wanted to share this one because it perfectly illustrates how often we turn a deaf ear to these messages, intuitive nudges, and synchronicities that we get all the time.
This message is one that came from my soul. I know this because it used all my psychic abilities. It also used other people & specific situations in perfect alignment. All of this, so that this message found its way to me, just when I needed to hear it the most so my heart could receive it.
Sure, I could easily look the other way & call it “nice coincidences”, or pretend I didn't hear it. In the past I most certainly would have. But because I’ve been at this inner work for some time, I knew it is time for me to listen and to really see who I am as a healer. Things that I think may be easy to me that I take for granted might not be easy for others.
Also the word healer was something I wasn't too comfortable with. I feel that it should be reserved for those who studied longer, do more than one healing technique, and maybe be like someone who's name is Jesus!
But you know what, I’m calling myself out on it because it’s all a bunch of BS! These are all my limiting beliefs about being worthy and I am saying that,
Today it ends.
I'm sharing this with you today because it is time for me to be more visible about these gifts and to say once and for all, gosh darn it, I AM A HEALER.
I have been working with Holy Fire Reiki now for a few months but you may not have noticed since I don't talk about it. But I want to share this part of me with you and offer it to you should you need a healing. Because I know how much it helps me with all kinds of pains and obstacles. And how Reiki can,
reduce stress & anxiety (such as the kind that air travel incites),
relieve physical pains (like back pain, aches, discomforts),
awaken intuition
strengthen immune system
promote your body's healing
balance energy & chakras
Release toxins
and many more things I have experienced in my own life by using Reiki on myself and others.
For example, just this week when I had a small surgery done as soon as I gave myself Reiki all the cramps & discomfort went away. Even though the brochure said it would take 2-4 days before the discomfort leaves. Mine lasted an hour. This is the gift of Reiki Healing. And it just so happens I’m a Reiki Master Healer. I can administer this healing gift from my home over Zoom quite easily. So here is my offer to you, should you need a little healing for something that is ailing you click here to find out more about it. And maybe we can make things a bit more, smooth flying (or sailing as the expression goes), for you, too.
I will be sharing more about my adventures through several airports in the next email. Subscribe to my email list to find out more about healing, intuition, psychic abilities, and maybe, how to awaken your own.
What does is mean to be a visionary in your own life?
Recently, I’ve been mulling over this sentence that came to me in journaling, “My way is the “right” way.” Another way I think of is:
“I give myself permission to be able to forge my own path.”
Often we can feel wrong in the way we do things. Maybe because others have told us this or sometimes we are “talked”out of things that our hearts truly wanted.
This certainly has been my struggle in finding my voice and footing in my business and in my life over the years. With running an online business for 7 years and living in a foreign country for 12. As special of a circumstance those are, it also comes from the social conditioning that was fed to me over and over in growing up as a little girl. What it means to be a "good kind woman" and "not offending others" with my opinions and/or ideas. The messaging around how to assert yourself to young girls is often conflicting and creates uncertainty in how we "should" do things and how we should show up. Most of the time we are only taught how to be assertive when we are being attacked by someone. Because it’s not natural to us in normal life how would we be able to reach for it in those desperate situations?
We were trained to NOT trust ourselves and often the means we look to others for the answers. The problem here is that we lose out in our authenticity and fall out of trust with our intuition. The intuition that will show up when we are in danger OR less intense situations, when we need to make a strong decisions in our businesses and lives. When we constantly step outside of ourselves for our answers we lose our most valuable resource, our intuition and our intuitive gifts. Then we begin to chase after something that is not inherent in our own natures.
I coach a lot of women who are in my age group, GEN Xers. We are that wonderful bridge generation. This means we carry the old and new in one person (aka, before internet and after). This conflict of doing things the "right" way vs. our own way is confusing to most of us. We learned over decades how to fall in line with what is expected meanwhile trying to figure out how to break the glass ceiling! And what is the glass ceiling anyways? Why are we trying to break it?
Let’s stop breaking a ceiling that was not built with us in it. Instead let’s create something new for everyone.
A few years ago I stated in a speaker's application for a well-known local women’s entrepreneur conference that women really would do better if we created a whole new structure instead of breaking a ceiling of a structure that didn't include us in the FIRST place! What are we trying to prove with that? That we can do it better? We can but not by the confines of what we see in the world today. This means it's time for innovation and using your intuition. That requires a different path.
"My WAY is the right way" thinking is all about forging a new path forward. Knowing that YOU have what it takes to make your business/work and your life better by trusting yourself, being creative, and using your intuition! We need to learn to put down our constrictions, glass ceilings, and our old role models and be ready to step into the uncertainty to create a new vision of what can be. This is what it means to be a visionary. To see potential in doing things in your own unique way without knowing if it is right or wrong. AND to have the passion to continue through the trials of bringing that vision to light. This takes courage, resilience, and trust. BIG TRUST. Where do you start?
It starts with remembering your authenticity.
Giving yourself permission to be that.
And then trusting yourself & intuition to move forward step by step.
Here are some mantras to help guide you:
My way is the right way. 😊
The way I chose to do things is exactly the way it must be done.
I give myself permission to do things in my own creative intuitive way. This is the 'right' way.
If you are ready to be a visionary in your life, I am here to help you step back into your intuition, express your authentic self & trust your intuitive gifts. Set up a call with me to see if we are a fit.
Seeing what you can not see comes when you surrender.
When you give yourself the opportunity to slow down & surrender, you see more of what you didn’t see when you were busy hustling. In this post, I share my insights on what one day off has shown me. Things like, how I was addicted to the News and that consumed my energy for quite awhile. Now with this awareness I can catch on faster and take back my energy.
Yesterday I gave myself a rare day off. Tuesdays and Thursdays are my full workdays. That means eight full hours without interruption of a school pick-up. I have been going strong for a while now. I haven’t really luxuriated in a day for myself for quite some time. Yesterday was that day!
The opportunity to slow down is always there but even though we are in the middle of a pandemic and I consider myself spiritually educated, I noticed that I haven’t REALLY slowed down. This last month, in fact, things started to speed up. I can pinpoint it back to the election. I wandered down the news path and from there an addiction began.
For something like 20 years, I stopped watching the news. I lived in a political town (haha - town) for 7 years. The administration that was in place wasn’t my cup of tea. I persevered through 9-11, the DC Sniper attacks, weapons of mass destruction, Double agent spies on trial a half a block away, and well, you get the picture. The whole time, just letting it all be what it was and abstaining from local (national) news. It was the one thing that I felt saved my grace. Especially when there were times, I felt like I was in a sci-fi movie or a spy thriller.
Speed up to now - 2020. Watching the news for the election results brought back something that laid dormant. Is that a bad thing? Not necessarily. But I also noticed there was a beast awake and it craved more. And so, in that sense, it was a bad thing for me. The News of today is not the thing I grew up with, in the 80s. With news anchormen like Tom Brokaw from NBC News. It does inform but with a filter. And because I want to expand my perceptions beyond what is “told to me” on syndicated news, it does not align with me. Also because I feel there is a manipulation of the Truth always present.
I realized the deception of the News a long time ago when I lived in Paris, France. It was a simple story on this side of the Atlantic Ocean but later I would find out it was a HUGE deal back home in the US. The story was about a girl’s shoelace during an ice-skating championship. Otherwise known as 1994’s Winter Olympics in Lillehammer, France. The girl, Tonya Harding. There was a small mention on the French news, Canal Plus, about the clubbing of Nancy Kerrigan that Harding was suspected of being the perpetrator. Naturally, I and my fellow American students felt let down by the coverage. At that moment, I realized all news is catered for a specific audience and not the whole story is always told. This awareness would only enlarge over the years.
This is not always easy to spot. I have been duped to believe things on the News that I thought was solid information. And that is not to say all News is bad. I think what I noticed this past month is the addiction to the drama. That enticement of the cliffhanger. What will the results be? This is a hook that is irresistible. But it can make you lost in it too. What keeps me there?
Now that I’ve decided to slow down for the month of December, I see what I could not see. This is the beautiful gift of surrender and letting go. I have stopped the News addiction a few weeks ago. I am reflecting on what that energy did to me and how I can become more aware of its takeover. Yes, it was a takeover. I was getting really riled up! And don’t get me wrong, I think it is okay to have a healthy curiosity about world events. This was different. And it is important to notice. I became a devout participant of this particular segment of the News. Which means I handed over myself to this other entity and forgot to think for myself. Why? Because I was hooked.
This is a dangerous place to be in. It does take some time to be aware of it and change it. This is why the gift of surrender and slowing down will always be awareness. As an Empath, getting hooked to something that I know is not the Truth nor in alignment with me is a slippery slope. It takes me for a wild ride, sure, but it doesn’t keep me anchored into my own values and purpose. If we can see it as entertainment, then perhaps it has no consequence. Unfortunately, this is not how the 24-hour News cycle is designed. It is meant to keep you coming back for more. I once heard it said,
“What you consume, consumes you.”
It’s a mantra lately that has been spinning in my head. And now, I understand it’s meaning.
Have you had a similar experience? How did you come to the other side of it? What are your feelings & thoughts about the News? Share with me in the comments.
How do you want to be with the outcome?
This video was recorded on Wednesday November 4, 2020. These are some thoughts, feelings and hopes I have for a future for not only my home country of the USA but for the world. It is not about this vote or this man (as of the time of this video there is still no clear winner) it is about how YOU move forward and how YOU decide to BE with the outcome.
“Remember it’s not the ending of the world. It’s just the beginning of a new one.”
This video was recorded on Wednesday November 4, 2020. These are some thoughts, feelings and hopes I have for a future for not only my home country of the USA but for the world. It is not about this vote or this man (as of the time of this video there is still no clear winner) it is about how YOU move forward and how YOU decide to BE with the outcome.