What does is mean to be a visionary in your own life?

Recently, I’ve been mulling over this sentence that came to me in journaling, “My way is the “right” way.” Another way I think of is:

“I give myself permission to be able to forge my own path.”

Often we can feel wrong in the way we do things. Maybe because others have told us this or sometimes we are “talked”out of things that our hearts truly wanted.

This certainly has been my struggle in finding my voice and footing in my business and in my life over the years. With running an online business for 7 years and living in a foreign country for 12. As special of a circumstance those are, it also comes from the social conditioning that was fed to me over and over in growing up as a little girl. What it means to be a "good kind woman" and "not offending others" with my opinions and/or ideas. The messaging around how to assert yourself to young girls is often conflicting and creates uncertainty in how we "should"  do things and how we should show up. Most of the time we are only taught how to be assertive when we are being attacked by someone. Because it’s not natural to us in normal life how would we be able to reach for it in those desperate situations?

We were trained to NOT trust ourselves and often the means we look to others for the answers. The problem here is that we lose out in our authenticity and fall out of trust with our intuition. The intuition that will show up when we are in danger OR less intense situations, when we need to make a strong decisions in our businesses and lives. When we constantly step outside of ourselves for our answers we lose our most valuable resource, our intuition and our intuitive gifts. Then we begin to chase after something that is not inherent in our own natures.

I coach a lot of women who are in my age group, GEN Xers. We are that wonderful bridge generation. This means we carry the old and new in one person (aka, before internet and after). This conflict of doing things the "right" way vs. our own way is confusing to most of us. We learned over decades how to fall in line with what is expected meanwhile trying to figure out how to break the glass ceiling! And what is the glass ceiling anyways? Why are we trying to break it?

Let’s stop breaking a ceiling that was not built with us in it. Instead let’s create something new for everyone.

A few years ago I stated in a speaker's application for a well-known local women’s entrepreneur conference that women really would do better if we created a whole new structure instead of breaking a ceiling of a structure that didn't include us in the FIRST place! What are we trying to prove with that?  That we can do it better?  We can but not by the confines of what we see in the world today. This means it's time for innovation and using your intuition. That requires a different path.

"My WAY is the right way" thinking is all about forging a new path forward. Knowing that YOU have what it takes to make your business/work and your life better by trusting yourself, being creative, and using your intuition! We need to learn to put down our constrictions, glass ceilings, and our old role models and be ready to step into the uncertainty to create a new vision of what can be. This is what it means to be a visionary. To see potential in doing things in your own unique way without knowing if it is right or wrong. AND to have the passion to continue through the trials of bringing that vision to light. This takes courage, resilience, and trust. BIG TRUST.  Where do you start?

  1. It starts with remembering your authenticity.

  2. Giving yourself permission to be that.

  3. And then trusting yourself  & intuition to move forward step by step.

Here are some mantras to help guide you:

  • My way is the right way. 😊

  • The way I chose to do things is exactly the way it must be done.

  • I give myself permission to do things in my own creative intuitive way. This is the 'right' way.

If you are ready to be a visionary in your life, I am here to help you step back into your intuition, express your authentic self & trust your intuitive gifts. Set up a call with me to see if we are a fit.

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Susan de Vriend

Here she is, quirky, funny, sometimes forgetful, Susan de Vriend, the Intuitive Empath coach and Holy Fire Reiki Master. Her special gift to make you laugh at life while going deeply in to heal parts of yourself that get in the way of your true potential, of who you came here to be! Catering to the audiences that are neurodivergent, or neurospicy, ADD/ADHD, HSP and Empaths, her life coaching style comes with a mystical edge using her amazing psychic abilities tapping into your energy via Reiki and oracle card readings. Who doesn’t love that? For all accounts, Susan will make you feel safe, seen, heard, supported AND inspired to make the changes you long to make in your life & business.


My soul sent me a clear message while waiting at the airport.


Seeing what you can not see comes when you surrender.